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5 Reasons To Ditch Your Shower Curtain

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Shower curtains may be the default option in your bathroom, but there is no reason why you can't make the switch to glass shower doors. There are many good reasons to do so when refreshing your shower.

1. Mildew

Shower curtains can become a harbor for mildew and mold growth, particularly along the bottom edge that is most exposed to water. Part of the problem is that curtains dry out slowly due to the folds in the fabric and plastic liners. Glass shower doors, on the other hand, have wide open surfaces that dry quickly and can't absorb stains from mildew and mold.

2. Safety

If you have children or those with mobility concerns in the home, then curtains are not the safest shower privacy option. Grabbing onto a curtain for balance won't work out well and most likely will result in a dangerous fall or pulling down the curtain and rod. Young children may even attempt to climb the curtain. Shower doors are designed to provide some support, with many designs even featuring grab bars to help with balance.

3. Lighting

In many bathrooms, the room lighting isn't installed directly over the tub or shower. This means with a closed curtain the shower can be a dim place to bathe. Glass shower doors allow in plenty of light, both from overhead lighting and any windows in the room. You can opt for frosted or textured doors that provide privacy without impeding the light transfer into the shower area. 

4. Maintenance

Many people put off washing their shower curtains because it is such as hassle. You must fight with the rings and hangers to get the curtain down. Once down, usually only the fabric outer curtain can be washed in a machine. The large vinyl or plastic liner must be scrubbed by hand, which is a time and space-consuming task that can cause a mess. Shower doors can be maintained much more easily. A quick pass with a squeegee after each use prevents water spotting. Then, all you need to do is periodically wipe them down with a soft cloth and glass cleaner.

5. Appearance

Glass shower doors tend to look much nicer than curtains. Curtains can age badly, becoming dated in design or covered in stains. Glass doors provide a timeless look that can match your bathroom even if the decor changes. The doors will also help small bathrooms look larger since glass opens up the space visually.

Contact a shower store to learn more about the door and surround options that will work in your bathroom.
