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Time To Replace Your Glass Shower Door

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When you first install them, glass shower doors look fancy and create an ambiance in your bathroom. However, these shower doors wear out over time and will need to be replaced. The following are tell-tale signs that you should replace your glass shower door.

Discolored Glass

When your glass shower door is constantly exposed to hard water and soap, the result may be an accumulation of soap scum and stains. Additionally, the high moisture levels in your bathroom promote mildew and mold.

When mildew and mold encounter soap scum and mineral deposits, they discolor the glass by leaving a cloudy appearance. As a result, your glass panel looks dirty even after cleaning it. If you use chemical cleaners and still cannot get rid of the stains on the glass shower door, you need a replacement.

Rusty Glass Door Frame

Over time, the frame on your shower doors will get rusty. The rusty frame leaves your door looking old and even affects its smoothness. This affects the aesthetic appeal of your glass shower enclosure. To resolve this issue, you should install a frameless glass shower. These enclosures don't come with frames and are easier to maintain than framed glass showers.

Water Leaking Out of Your Bathroom

The reason for a shower door is to keep the water within the shower enclosure. Furthermore, if there is excess water on the bathroom floors, you may experience issues such as damaged floors or flooding.

One of the reasons for excess water on your floors is that the shower door is too small or too big. Therefore, the glass door doesn't close properly. Consequently, more water flows from the shower and spreads to your floor. Another reason may be a crack in the door. This causes water to leak out of your bathroom. To avoid costly bathroom repairs, you should install a new shower door.

The Glass Shower Doors Don't Close Smoothly

If you have difficulty opening or closing your glass shower doors, you should replace them. This happens when the shower door loses its smoothness. 

To avoid this problem, you can install a frameless glass shower door. These doors last longer than framed doors because they are made of durable material. Additionally, these doors minimize the presence of metal within the shower. All these factors contribute to the doors closing and opening smoothly for a long time.

Many modern bathrooms are made with glass shower doors. When shopping for glass shower doors, note the difference between framed and frameless versions. You also need to ensure you purchase doors with quality glass. Consult a shower door professional—such as Baltimore Door and Frame—for advice on which shower door to install and how to extend its longevity through proper maintenance.
