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4 Ways to Keep Your Business Safe

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As a business owner, you put a lot of your heart and soul into your business, not to mention money. In order to minimize loss due to thieves and vandalism, you need to do your best to protect your business. Here are four tips that will help you keep your store as safe as possible:

1. Install an entry alert chime on your door.

If you own a business that doesn't receive constant foot traffic, you probably want your employees to work on side tasks while they aren't helping customers. Sweeping the floor, restocking, and readjusting merchandise are all helpful tasks. However, a distracted employee is less likely to notice a thief slipping into the store to take something. An entry alert chime features a sensor that detects when your store's door opens. It will play a pleasant sound that will alert your employee to the presence of a customer. This will allow your employee to keep an eye on potential thieves while still going about other tasks.

2. Invest in a roll-up door.

Many stores take advantage of glass windows and doors. Clear storefronts allow customers to window shop; if they see something they like from the sidewalk, they're more likely to come inside to shop. Unfortunately, glass is highly susceptible to vandalism. It can be broken easily, which means criminals can access your store to take money and merchandise. Roll-up doors provide extra security at night. They're made from metal which will prevent burglars from breaking your glass doors or windows. During the day, they roll up as unobtrusively as possible. At night, you can roll them down and lock them in place. Learn more about your options by contacting storefront door installation services.

3. Install cameras throughout your store.

Closed-circuit cameras can help your employees monitor the store. This is a particularly useful system in larger stores with few employees. Your employees can keep an eye on the entire store using a single monitor. Visible cameras also deter thieves. People are less likely to commit a crime when there is video evidence that can be used against them at a later date.

4. Use an alarm system.

An alarm system is an additional layer of protection that can keep your business safe when you aren't there. If the alarm is armed, it will sound a loud noise when someone comes through the door or windows. Unless a deactivation code is used, the alarm company will dispatch police officers to the location. The right alarm system can help you catch criminals in the act before they can get away with your belongings.
